Sunday, March 13, 2011

More work, more progress.. There isn't enough time in a day

One of the problems of not having things really refined in a concept sketch that I have found is that you can often time get lost adding things on the piece. As I was working on the upper body and respirator I started to feel the back needed more details. I designed this character with the idea of it being a 3rd person action adventure game. Well seeing as how we usually see the back of the character for most of the game. So I started doing an overhaul on the upper body,creating an intricate breathing apparatus. I have already invested a good 20 hours into this model but this will all be worth it when I project the normal and ambient occlusion maps for the texture. Well my Dominance War practice weekend is over. But I made some major strides on the project and modeling. Hopefully I can finish the high poly model by the end of the week in my off time from my phone job.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

So what began as a small project for modeling practice sort of transformed into a full fledged obsession. I started adding detail to the hands and spine of the character for the high poly model. and did a rough paint over on the concept drawing which I will later refine..I've been alot of time refining the hands and spine for the character trying go give them a really high tech look. I had left these pieces pretty loose in the concept  as it allowed me the opportunity to improvise and explore on the model so that I could see what worked best.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Preparing to Dominate

I'm pretty excited about Dominance War V and while I'm waiting I figured I would get some concept and modeling practice in before the main challenge. This is Astaroth who is the Technomage class from the Pre Dominance War Challenge that was held in December. I'm modeling the armor in 3DS Max using planes with a Mesh Smooth and Shell modifier applied on them to create that look of layered metal. I'm working on the main spinal column now now and am trying to make it look really high tech. like the spinal column for Doc Ock's tentacles in Spider Man 2

Oh by the way I'll be on GameArtisans team for the main Dom War challenge. My handle is Darkstrife ..