So I have been working on this painting and design for a little bit. I wanted to do a werewolf
attacking from the Mist scene. The scene is actually inspired by a Dungeons and Dragons session I had been running where one of my players was playing a werewolf character. Well we played the game that if they changed they ran the risk of the character losing control and hunting down the party.
Below is visual depiction of one of those times. The Mist is actually a product of a wizard spell in 3.5 called Obscuring Mist, the thing was that the player, who was playing the wizard that cast the spell; ddin't realize that the spell didn't obscure his scent. To say that chaos ensued is an understatement, and you can only imagine my surprise when everyone survived the ordeal.
I had done concept sketches before beginning this digital painting in photoshop and I'm about a quarter of the way done with it. I still have alot of work to do on the lighting and facial exprssion but I'm looking forward to finishing it in the coming weeks.