Sunday, February 27, 2011

Werewolf Attack W.I.P

So I have been working on this painting and design for a little bit. I wanted to do a werewolf
attacking from the Mist scene. The scene is actually inspired by a Dungeons and Dragons session I had been running where one of my players was playing a werewolf character. Well we played the game that if they changed they ran the risk of the character losing control and hunting down the party.

Below is visual depiction of one of those times. The Mist is actually a product of a wizard spell in 3.5 called Obscuring Mist, the thing was that the player, who was playing the wizard that cast the spell; ddin't realize that the spell didn't obscure his scent. To say that chaos ensued is an understatement, and you can only imagine my surprise when everyone survived the ordeal.

I had done concept sketches before beginning this digital painting in photoshop and I'm about a quarter of the way done with it. I still have alot of work to do on the lighting and facial exprssion but I'm looking forward to finishing it in the coming weeks.

Maiden Knight

I had been doing alot of work on my values trying to draw from photographs and doing portrait drawings. I then started applying what I had learned to a full concept drawing.The following is the fruits of my labors..
One of the few perks of working at a phone job is that I get alot of opportunity to draw, So these are some of those things that happen while talking to over 120 people a day. (Thats numbers not an exageration by the way.)

Tarot Cards, Death, The Fool, The Hanged Man, The Hermit

So, one of the projects that have been keeping me busy has been the design and creation of my own Tarot cards. I always try to have alot of art projects on my table as at allows me to jump around and keep on creating different things if I'm at a block on another project. My Tarot project has been one of favorites as it allows me to draw that Iconic imagery that I love to do, with my own twist and style..

When designing Death I took the approach designing her as a womenn as I felt it gave that it would have a more of an impact visually. It was also a great opportunity to draw female anatomy.
I wanted The Fool to have a sence of confidence to him. In many stories the character who plays "the fool" is often the least foolish of all of the characters, and often he is the most dangerous of them.

The Hanged man was a pretty challenging design. I wanted the design to have the hanged body to be older at first with the face exposed. But after a few failed attempts Ithought it had more of an emotional impact with the face coverred.

The hermit was a lot of fun to draw. I drew my inspiration from Norse mythology with my design as Odin, was often depicted as a hermit and was actually Tolkiens inspiration for Gandalf. I put an eye patch on him and drew in a sitting position as I plan to use a campfire as my light source. I think having the face lit from below will create alot of emphasis and energy to the card.